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Chocolate Cherry Cannolis

A delectable treat! There was great expectation in waiting for

these and the end result far exceeded the goal.

A healthier baked version.

Recipe: Prep: 1 hour Serves: 12 Cannolis

4 organic or pastured eggs

1 cup organic coconut sugar

2 tbsp. organic extra virgin coconut oil

2 tbsp. organic butter - melted

1 tbsp. organic vanilla extact

2 tbsp. organic cacao powder

2/3 cup organic whole wheat flour

1 cup organic frozen cherries - thawed and cut in halves

2 tbsp. organic coconut sugar

dash organic almond extract

Whipped cream:

1 1/2 cups organic heavy cream

1/3 cup organic coconut sugar

dash organic vanilla

1 tsp. organic cacao powder in spice jar with seasoning lid to sprinkle

Prepare two stainless steel sheet pans with parchment paper

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Put mixing bowl with whisk into freezer, so it is cold enough

to properly make whipped cream.

In a small bowl, mix together cherries with almond extract and let


In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, coconut sugar, oil,

butter, cacao powder, and vanilla. Add flour and whisk well.

There should not be any lumps.

Spoon 2 tbsp. of batter onto sheet pans making circles that are about

4 - 4 1/2 inches long with back of spoon. Make them about an 1 inch


Bake for about 7 minutes. Then roll them into tube form and set them down on the seams, on a cold sheet pan to let cool. I used a light weight wooden spoon to sit on top of them, until they cooled. These Cannolis will seal.

Note: I used my fingers, but I realize that I am accustomed to hot temps.

So you can use the end of a whisk to aid you from having to touch the

hot Cannolis too much, to form them into rolls.

Add whipped cream and vanilla to cold mixing bowl and begin to mix on

high. When almost done, add coconut sugar. *Mix until firmly set.*

Drain the cherries and add coconut sugar to bowl of cherries and mix well.

Then carefully fold the cherries into the whipped cream.

Carefully spoon mixture into the Cannolis.

Sprinkle with cacao powder and serve immediately. Enjoy!

Tip: If you want to make these ahead of time, then don't add the cherries

to the whipped cream until you are ready to fill and serve.

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