Lamb & Rosemary Creamy Scalloped Potatoes
Mouthwatering! A premium gourmet meal.
Bringing braised lamb, fresh rosemary and seasonings together with a quality English cheddar cheese layered amongst onions
and potatoes.

Recipe: Prep: 2 hours Serves: 6
2 1/2 cups of braised lamb bits - from New Zealand
4 large organic potatoes - 16th inch slices
1 large organic red onion - diced
1 1/2 lbs. grated cheddar cheese - I used Coastal rugged mature English cheddar Kerrygold Dubliner Irish cheese - is also equivalent
5-6 tbsp. organic fresh rosemary - finely minced
4-5 cloves organic garlic - finely minced
1/2 tsp. organic white pepper
1 tsp. organic ground coriander
1 tsp. organic lemon pepper
1/4 cup organic whole wheat flour - chemical free
9 tbsp. organic butter : 3 tbsp. for buttering the casserole dish
(12 1/2 x 9 inches)
3 tbsp. for each of the first 2 layers
2 cups organic half & half
1 cup organic milk
Prep all the ingredients that you can first.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Heat up the milk and half & half in a sauce pan, until a skin forms, then turn off heat.
Place a layer of potatoes on the bottom of the casserole dish. Sprinkle half of
the rosemary, garlic, peppers, coriander, onions, and flour on top. Divide
3 tbsp. of butter and place in six spaced places on top. Spread half of the lamb on top of this and then sprinkle 2 handfuls of cheese over this layer.
Proceed to do another layer just like this one and pressed down on the potatoes to spread the ingredients out levelly. Do another layer of potatoes on top, again pressing down to even out the layers.
Pour the milk on top of this. Bake for 1 hour - no need to cover.
Then place a final layer of cheese on top and bake for 15 minutes more.
If you want a browning affect on the cheese, then place under broiler for about 3-4 minutes. Enjoy!
Tip: This recipe came about because I was making lamb stock. I like
to use lamb neck pieces and leg pieces that have some meat on them.
I put the pieces into a crock pot with some garlic, onions, and celery, cover with water and cook on low heat for about 12 - 16 hours.
I use this stock instead of beef stock in recipes. The meat is so tender and
delicious and I like to use it for something special such as this recipe.