Not All Salts Are Equal
Today I am going to go through the varieties of salt to choose from for your kitchen endeavors.

Salt has acquired a bad reputation of causing high blood pressure by it's sodium content. But not all salts are equal.
The majority of sodium in the typical American diet is not from salt, but from processed foods.
Table salt - is about 95% - 99% pure sodium chloride. This salt is highly refined with most of the healthful trace minerals removed. These minerals are needed for proper immune, thyroid and adrenal function. They are alkaline minerals that help keep us hydrated, balance our sodium-potassium ratios, as well as fill the body with powerful electrolytes.
The salt industry adds synthetic forms of iodide because the natural form of iodine is lost in the manufacturing process. Which can lead to thyroid problems.
These can also be added: toxic Ferrocyanide, talc, and silica aluminate, as chemical absorbents and anti-caking substances to allow it to flow freely. The F.D.A. has a special provision to allow talc in table salt, even whilst it is prohibited in all other foods, due to toxicity issues. According to current regulations, table salt can be up to 2% talc.
This salt is bleached white. It contains processed white sugar in the form of dextrose that is added to prevent oxidation in the color of the salt from the iodine.
This salt is highly addictive, as the more the body becomes used to the high levels of fake sodium and the sugar, the more it craves it.
It is energetically dead and so for the body to metabolize chemical table salt,
it must expend tremendous amounts of energy to keep the body in
a state of optimum fluid balance. This creates a burden on the body’s elimination systems.
Sea Salt - is unrefined and contains many trace minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc and iodine, that are absolutely essential to good health.
Natural salts are rich in iodine, so it doesn’t need to be artificially added in.
It is made by evaporating seawater. The darker the color, the more trace minerals there are. The flavor can vary due to the minerals in which ocean or bay it was harvested from.
The drawback to this salt is that it is exposed to the pollution in the ocean area it is harvested from.

Real Salt - is mined from mineral rich salt deposit in Utah. It contains 62 trace minerals, and is without additives, chemicals, or heat processing of any kind.
It's flavor is described as a subtle, sweet flavor.
Celtic Grey Salt - harvested in Brittany, France, near the Celtic sea. It supplies all 82 trace minerals needed by the human body for optimal health and longevity.
Benefits: Regulates heartbeat and blood pressure - if you have low blood pressure,
taking Celtic sea salt can help to raise it. If you have high blood pressure, it can help to lower it.
Balances blood sugars
Improves brain function
Eliminates mucus buildup
Alkalizes the body
Provides electrolyte balance
Builds immunity
Prevents muscle cramps
Increases energy
Retains its moisture and is moist to touch with a greyish hue. It is more costly than other salts.

Pink Himalayan Salt - is a rich nutritionally packed sea salt with over 80 natural minerals and elements that are vital to our health. It is unrefined and hand-mined from caves in northern Pakistan.
The salt does not have the typical "salty" taste, but is actually bursting with flavor - especially freshly ground.
Benefits: Creates an electrolyte balance
Balances pH (alkaline/acidity)
Aids in proper metabolism functioning
Strengthens bones
Lower blood pressure
Helps the intestines absorb nutrients
Improves circulation
Regulates water content both inside and outside of cells
Dissolves and eliminates sediment to remove toxins
Prevents muscle cramping
Reduces the appearance of aging
Promotes healthy sleep patterns
As you will see on the posted recipes, I prefer the Himalayan salt. I was never one for much salt, but when I tasted freshly ground Himalayan salt, then I changed my mind. I really enjoy the flavor.
I hope this was beneficial to you. My goal is to help provide the information that you need to make wise lifestyle choices.