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​​ Beets-Purifying & Invigorating

The vivid colors of beets reveal the loaded high antioxidant content, similarly to berries and other brightly colored fruits and vegetables, that support healthy immune systems, glowing skin, and higher energy levels.

Beets are excellent blood cleansers that bind toxins, heavy metals, and waste and remove them with the ability of glutathiones, which are considered the "master antioxidant." The glutathiones levels are highest in the detoxifying organs of the liver and kidneys.

Beets help balance pH levels and alkalize the body. The pH scale measures acidity versus alkalinity, with 7 being neutral, below 7 being acidic and above 7 being alkaline. Diseases thrive in an acidic body, so one's diet should be focused on alkalizing foods.

The fiber of beets and their greens, reduces LDL cholesterol and triglycerides by increasing the level of good HDL cholesterol, as well as, improving healthy bowel movements.

​ Nutrients:

Iron - essential part of hemoglobin (the protein that transfers oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues), cell function, growth & development * a lack of which leads to anemia*

Vitamin C - collagen, metabolism of proteins

Folate - healthy metabolism & skin and hair health * a lack of which leads to birth defects & congenital heart defects and neural tubal defects in newborns*

Manganese - good for your bones, liver, kidneys, and pancreas, *a lack of which leads to infertility, bone malformation, weakness, and seizures*

Potassium - essential electrolyte for healthy heartbeat rhythms and nerve impulses * a lack of which leads to heart disease, kidney stones, diabetes, muscle weakness and spasms, and impaired cognitive abilities*

Choline - important and versatile nutrient in beetroot that helps with sleep, muscle movement, learning, and memory. It also helps to maintain the structure of cellular membranes, aids in the transmission of nerve impulses, assists in the absorption of fat and reduces chronic inflammation. Choline is a “precursor” to betaine and must be present for betaine to be synthesized in the body. Betaine is created by choline in combination with the amino acid glycine.

Betaine, an amino acid that gives beets those vivid colors. It is essential in helping the body process fats and improving liver function. High levels of homocysteine in the blood can lead to plague build up, contributing to heart disease. Betaine fights against this by reducing the homocysteine levels. It also improves digestion, protect cells, and fights inflammation.

Bioactive Nitrates - relax and dilate the blood vessels, which improves the blood flow and reduces the blood pressure, plus, they aid in increasing energy to the cells, boosting metabolism.

*Not to be confused with the preservative sodium nitrite in

processed meats such as hot dogs and bacon.*

Reseachers at Wake Forest University's Translational Science Center conducted a study that achieved results showing that when you eat high-nitrate foods, such as beets, good bacteria in the mouth turns nitrate into nitrite, which then help open up the blood vessels in the body, increasing blood flow and oxygen specifically to places that are lacking oxygen. MRIs showed that older adults had increased blood flow to the white matter of the frontal lobes - the area of cognitive functions.

Beetroot expert & author Andy Jones, PhD, dean of research in the College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, found that dietary nitrates from beet juice can improve muscle efficiency & athletic performance and decision making abilities. In studies conducted, participants who consumed the beetroot juice had lower blood pressures and experienced a lower oxygen cost of exercise. In one study, cyclists who drank beet juice could pedal hard 15% longer in a time trial to exhaustion.​ “Peak nitrate levels occur two to three hours after you eat or drink them.”

Senior study author Dr Linda Peterson, from Washington University School of Medicine, found a very significant boost of 13% increase in their muscle power in people living with heart failure, after 2 hours of drinking beet juice.

A 2008 study published in Hypertension examined the effects of drinking beet juice in healthy volunteers and found that blood pressure was significantly lowered after ingestion.

Beets come in a variety of colors/hues, from red to orange and even a striped red/white northern Italian beet, called Chioggia.

The greens are also very beneficial to eat.

1. Rich in carotenoids beta-carotene and lutein/zeaxanthin,

which improves eye health,

2. Having a higher iron content than spinach

3. Vitamin A content strengthens the immune system

3. Vitamin K content contains blood clotting properties and

helps ward off osteoporosis.


Beets can be eaten raw (best nutritional value), just by peeling and slicing thinly and adding to a salad.

Beet greens can be sauteed' in a little coconut oil

Juicing the beets and their greens and combining with the fresh juice of carrots, ginger, and other vegetables, and even a little fresh apple juice.

Shred and add with fresh shredded cabbage to make a healthy probiotic fermented slaw. Make Beet Kvass (probiotic) to drink. *look into fermentation processes*

Roast the beets at 425 degrees for one hour (depending on size) and then peel and slice. Add some fresh herbs - see my recipe -

Pickle beets - see my recipe -

Warning: This article in no way endorses using sugar beets - which are not an acceptable food.

They fall into the top 7 GMO crops of the US. Monsanto created the GMO sugar beet ( 95% of US crop) and promotes using the toxic, cancer-causing Round Up Ready herbicide glyphosate with it. More than half of the sugar sold in the US is from sugar beets.

I hope this was beneficial to you. My goal is to help provide the information that you need to make wise lifestyle choices.


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