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The Perils of Consuming Swine

Nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the hoof: The swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you. Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you. Leviticus 11: 4, 7-8

The Lord created all things and gave us this commandment for our well-being. He wasn't being whimsical. In the food laws in Leviticus, you will realize that the "unclean" animals are scavengers with poor digestive systems - "waste eliminators" that will eat whatever they are fed or find, including their own kind.

The principle "garbage in - garbage out" is one that should be taken very seriously.

This also includes shellfish, catfish, sharks - fish without fins and scales - and other scavengers. I have seen first hand, the flesh of swordfish riddled with tumors.

Pigs have a quick digestion process, which doesn't properly remove toxins, which are then stored in their fatty tissues. They also lack adequate sweat glands which also leads to more toxins being stored in the tissues.

Did you know in a human, that the skin is the largest eliminating organ?

Pigs carry many viruses and parasites, that we can acquire not just by consuming their flesh, but by handling the meat as well.

Remember: "ye shall not touch their carcase"

Here are several studies, articles, and information concerning the degenerating health issues from pork.


Kellogg - Yes, he was the developer of the corn flake and other breakfast cereals that still bear his name.

A Live Hog Examined - Make the hog straighten out his fore legs. Now observe closely. Do you see the open sore or issue, a few inches above his foot on the inner side? Find the same on the other leg. Grasp the leg high up and press downward. Now you see its utility, as a mass of corruption pours out.That opening is the outlet of a sewer. Yes, a scrofulous sewer; and hence the offensive, ichorous matter which discharges from it. What must be the condition of the body of an animal so foul as to require a regular system of drainage to convey away it's teeming filth?

And to think, some people eat pigs feet!


​​​​​​​​​​​Observe the glands which lie about the neck. Instead of being of their ordinary size, and composed of ordinary gland structure, we find them surrounded by large masses of scrofulous tissue.

Where Scrofula Comes From: The word scrofula is derived from the Latin scrofu, which means a sow. The ancient Romans evidently believed that scrofula originated with the hog, and hence they attached the name of the beast to the disease.

Saying that a man has scrofula, then, is equivalent to saying that he has the hog disease. Scrofula - tuberculosis of the neck. Tuberculosis (TB) is the oldest documented infectious disease.

Trichinosis (roundworm) is the larvae parasite seen enclosed in a little cyst, or sac, which is dissolved by the gastric juice when taken into the stomach.

The parasite, being thus set at liberty, immediately penetrates the thin muscular walls of the stomach, and gradually works its way through the whole muscular system. It possesses the power of propagating its species with wonderful rapidity; and a person once infected is almost certain to die a lingering death of excruciating agony.

Trichinosis very much resembles various other diseases in some of its stages, and is likely to be attributed to other than its true cause. It is thought by prominent medical men that hundreds of people die of the disease without suspecting its true nature.

All pork-eaters are in constant danger; for the worm is too small to be seen without the aid of the microscope.

Erysipelas, too, a dreadful scourge, owes more to pork than to any other predisposing cause.

Biliousness is notoriously the result of pork-eating. This is the main reason why so many people complain of biliousness in the spring, after gorging themselves with fat pork all winter. The liver is overworked in attempting to remove from the system such a mass of impurity as is received in the eating of pork. It consequently becomes clogged, congested, torpid. Then follow all the ills consequent upon the irritating effects of the accumulation of biliary matters in the blood. The skin becomes tawny and jaundiced. The kidneys are overworked. Perhaps fever results. A partial clearing out then occurs, which enables the individual to pass along for a time again until some epidemic or contagious disease claims him as its lawful victim.

Can sufficient heat kill Trichinae and Incipient Tapeworms?

Surely, dead worms cannot kill any one; but it must be delightful for the pork-eater to contemplate his ham or sausage with the reflection that he is partaking of a diet of worms. You shut your eyes and swallow a million monsters at a meal, because they are cooked. But it should be remembered that in order that the parasite should be killed, every part of the meat must be subjected to a heat of at least 2l2 degrees, which is quite difficult to do, and is seldom accomplished.

That is certainly higher then the CDC requires of 160 degrees, nor would the texture be agreeable to chew or taste at this high temperature.

A few years ago, Dr. Germer, health officer of Erie, Pa., was sent for in haste to see a patient who was supposed to be suffering from the cholera. He hastened to the bedside, and found a whole family sick with the symptoms much resembling those of cholera, though the season was then midwinter. Suspecting the possible cause, he secured a specimen from the pork barrel, and hastened to his office. Upon making a careful microscopic examination, he found myriads of the loathsome parasites in every part of the flesh examined.

Francis Bridges (2009), Nanji and French (1985) findings:

In countries with low alcohol consumption, no correlation was obtained between alcohol consumption and cirrhosis.

However, a significant correlation was obtained between cirrhosis and pork.

A similar relationship was seen in the ten Canadian provinces, where there was no correlation between cirrhosis mortality and alcohol consumption, but a significant correlation was obtained with pork.

Pork is relatively high in polyunsaturated fat.

Pork is more strongly related to cirrhosis than alcohol.

Either fructose or alcohol can react with polyunsaturated fat to produce liver disease.

Sugar consumption, for example in soft drinks, may be just as likely to combine with pork to cause a cirrhotic liver as alcohol.

But no other common dietary component can substitute for the role of polyunsaturated fat in causing liver disease.

Beef actually appeared protective against cirrhosis.

Beef is high in saturated fat, low in polyunsaturated fat.

Other diseases were looked at that could correlate with pork consumption, and hit upon multiple sclerosis.

The connection is remarkable: A significant correlation was obtained between prevalence of multiple sclerosis and pork consumption.

MS is much more likely to befall pork eaters.

Such a strong correlation makes it look like pork, or something found in pork,is the cause of MS.

Also, of major significance was the absence of a significant correlation between MS prevalence and beef consumption.

This is consistent with the observations that MS is rare in countries where pork is forbidden and has a low prevalence in countries where beef consumption far exceeds pork consumption.

There are remarkably strong correlations between pork consumption and liver disease, liver cancer, and multiple sclerosis.

The Adverse Influence of Pork Consumption on Health by Professor Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg, MD 1983 Pork should be regarded as a homotoxin (human poison), which initiates activation of the body's defense mechanisms. These defensive mechanisms then manifest themselves in a variety of illnesses.

Pigs have very few muscles and small bones, but are rich in growth hormones, which is regarded as the prime cause of inflammations and swollen tissues.

Pork contains much intra-cellular fat or particles of fat inside the cells themselves. While in other animals, the fat is found almost exclusively outside these cells in the connective tissues, in the form of fat cells.

Lettre (Professor of Pathology in Heidelberg/ West Germany) found that the specific areas of pork consumed generally migrated to where they biologically belonged.

Pork is so enriched with fats that someone whose diet consists of a high percentage of pork outwardly soon resembled what they were eating.

Example: people who ate mostly bacon (produced from the flesh of the pig's back) showed typical fatty folds at the back of the neck.

Consumption of bacon from the pig's stomach, also produced thick bulges of fat in the stomach areas of people. Those who ate ham, showed irregular deformation in the buttock and hip areas.

When pork is regularly eaten the cartilage, due to replacement of firm human cartilagenous material by the mucous connective tissue of pigs, becomes soft and atrophies under the pressure of body weight. This eventually results in arthritis and arthrosis.

During WWII soldiers in North Africa were taken ill with abscesses of the lower part of the leg called "tropical ulcers." Every possible form of treatment was exhausted without positive results. The natives showed no signs of this disease, so when consideration was given to the diet of the soldiers and pork was eliminated, the leg ulcer syndrome had immediate relief.

Soon after the currency reform of 1948, pork products became readily available and the health of the German population degenerated. Inflammation of the appendix, gall bladder disorders, acute eruptions of the skin, such as pyodermia, impetigo, carbuncles, and suboriparous abscesses became common place. Increases of cancers occurred also.

The influenza epidemic after WWI, was particularly devastating to the German population, whose diet was mainly pork.

For many years, those influenza epidemics were observed to follow the consumption of pork.

The swine flu infections in humans are now being referred to as “variant virus infections in humans.

Why did the authorities remove the word "swine?"

According to W. Hoffman, a German psychiatrist, anyone who is accustomed to eating pork becomes addicted to it to some extent.

As for those, who have broken the "pork addiction," it is noted that pork acquires a disagreeable, repulsive and even nauseating reaction, rendering it intolerable.

According to a Dr. Mercola report:

Consumer Reports states 69 percent of all raw pork samples tested were contaminated with the dangerous bacteria Yersinia enterocolitica, which can cause fever and gastrointestinal illness.

"Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome" (PRRS), and may afflict about 75 percent of American pig herds.

The PRRS virus primarily attacks the pig's immune system, especially the lungs, as well as, putting it's body vulnerable to other infections.

The Nipah virus has caused disease in both animals and humans, through contact with infected animals. In humans, the virus can lead to deadly encephalitis - an acute inflammation of your brain.

The Menangle virus was discovered in August 1997, which can jump to humans. The sows at an Australian piggery began giving birth to deformed and mummified piglets.

Raymond Kuhn, professor of biology and an expert on parasites at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N.C. states:

"Upwards of 20 percent of neurology offices in California have seen brain tape worms in people."

Kuhn said whether you get a tapeworm in the intestine, or a worm burrowing into your brain can depend on how you consumed the parasite.

Kuhn said it is then "feces-tainted" food, and not under-cooked pork, that leads to worms burrowing into the brain.

Did you just read that? Think seriously about whether it is worth the convenience of eating out! Consider other peoples' living standards, their

hygiene, and diets.

I'd rather spend half the money and eat a enjoyable meal at home with peace of mind.

* Just a note that it is important that we consider the "exposure" of shopping

carts, magazines, door knobs, bathroom facilities, etc. when we are out and


My heart goes out to the babies that are just placed in filthy shopping carts. *

I think I have provided enough information to show why our Lord instructed us to stay away from swine (and other scavengers).

It's all in the biology, which cannot be denied. It wouldn't matter if you raise pigs in lovely grass pastures and feed them organic feed, they are still "unclean" and toxic for us to consume.

It was evident to me when searching into this information that the pork industry has wielded some power in keeping the facts suppressed.

I did have to prod myself to go into all this because it really is so gross.

It's a terrifying thought that consumption of pork is the main food staple for many households.

I have also found over the years, so many completely resistant to giving up their "swine addiction," just as W. Hoffman stated.

I have even known some that have had that distressing reaction to eating pork, after having abstained from it for a while, and yet remain adamant that the pork isn't the cause.

There are much better meat options to be eating such as pastured beef, bison, goat, lamb, venison, chicken, and turkey.

One should not gamble their health with a cheap meal.

There are no "miracle pills" to fix the consequences.

Death certificates don't tell "all" the truth.

I hope this was beneficial to you. My goal is to help provide the information that you need to make wise lifestyle choices.


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