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Why Is Aluminum In Your Life?

There is quite a heavy handed use of aluminum in our society and most of it is hidden. Aluminum has absolutely NO BENEFICIAL VALUE for us.

With aluminum being neurotoxic - leading to neurodegenerative disorders - the question we must ask is why?

We certainly shouldn't be consuming it and yet so many are daily, in high dosages.

It is difficult for the body to remove and easy to acquire a toxic metal overload.

Why is there aluminum in cheese, baking powder, baking mixes, deodorants, toothpastes, shampoos, lotions, baby formulas, saturated throughout processed food products and containers, and in most go-to "relief" pills and even in vaccines?

Why are poisons being spoon fed to society, when we are suppose to be so much more educated now and more advanced than ever before?

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry found that aluminum is used in the production of processed foods which are stored in aluminum containers that are then heated in an oven.

The heating process causes aluminum leaching which contaminates food. The hotter the heat, the more leaching that occurs.

Aluminum compounds are also, often used as additives in foodstuffs.

Foods cooked in cheap aluminum pots and pans contained high amounts of the toxic metal. Aluminum is unstable in the presence of acids and bases, with citric acid and salt increasing the aluminum leaching.

Dr. Mercola states that "Aluminum is to your central nervous system as cigarette smoke is to your lungs."

"Aluminum toxicity may be doing as much damage to our children as to our seniors."

Aluminum targets your cerebellum and autonomic nervous system -the part responsible for biological processes over which you have no conscious control - breathing, blood pressure, balance, coordination, etc.

The signs and symptoms of aluminum toxicity are similar to the symptoms of autism, ADHD, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other neurological diseases - including memory problems, speech impairments and aphasia, dementia, depression, muscle weakness, motor disturbances, and other neurological difficulties.

International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that people with Alzheimer’s disease have elevated levels of aluminum in brain cells.

The journal reports that aluminum can enter the bloodstream through the gastrointestinal tract and that aluminum can enter the brain through the blood.

In 1988, a truck driver accidentally poured 20 tons of aluminum sulphate into a tank containing drinking water. Some 20,000 people in the village of Camelford were exposed to the poison and developed a very rare type of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

These people had high levels of aluminum in their tissues.

The journal Neurotoxicology found that exposure to aluminum does affect brain function and causes behavioral, neuropathological, and neurochemical changes.

Aluminum impairs your body's ability to detoxify by impeding your glutathione production, which is your most important intracellular detoxifier, required for reversing oxidative stress.

Sulfur is required to manufacture glutathione which can be optimized through dietary sources, such as animal-based proteins - which have a higher concentration of sulphur containing amino acids - and onions and garlic, making sulfur an extremely important nutrient for metal detoxification.

Note: Avoiding animal proteins can make it easy to become sulfur deficient.

The Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that aluminum interferes with how calcium is absorbed by the body, causing deficiencies that lead to brittle bones and osteoporosis.

Aluminum contaminated products:

1. Aluminum cooking pots and pans and bakeware

2. Aluminum foil, cans, and water bottles

3. Aluminum laminated pouch drinks - as well as, soups, broths,

etc. lined containers

4. Appliances with aluminum interiors: toasters, toaster ovens,

espresso makers, etc.

5. Baking powder & self rising flour products - baked goods and

"quick mixes" - processed foods, coloring and anticaking agents

Sodium Aluminum Phosphate is a food additive found in products

such as processed cheese, and frozen breakfast items

6. Microwave and aluminum package popcorn, pickles and relish,

hot cocoa mixes, coffee creamers, baby formulas, salt, and

of course - fast food & food from chain restaurants.

7. Cosmetics and personal care products - antiperspirants and

deodorants containing aluminum chloride, aluminum

chlorohydrate, or aluminum-zirconium compounds (including

salt crystals, made of alum), lotions, sunscreens, and shampoos

8. Prescription drugs and over the counter drugs such as antacids,

analgesics, anti-diarrheals, and most buffered aspirins

9. Vaccines are a problematic source of toxic metal exposure.

Aluminum is the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant

Dr. David Ayoub M.D. has stated that aluminum in vaccines may be even more dangerous than mercury. The number of aluminum- containing vaccines children receive today has quadrupled over the past 30 years. As children's aluminum burden has increased, so has the prevalence of childhood neurological disorders. In one school, 90 percent of the children developed ADHD during the course of a single school year, and their toxicity profiles all revealed massive amounts of aluminum.

Dr. Ayoub cites one study that found five to six times more aluminum in vaccines than what was actually listed on the labels.

10. Aluminum can be found in water also, from contamination

in rain water from mining and manufacturing industries, as well

as, water municipalities not being able to adequately filter out

prescription drug residues.

Ways to avoid aluminum contamination:

1. Use stainless steel, glass, or cast iron cookware and bakeware

Can use enameled (allow no chips), or ceramic, but -

*make sure to check for lead *

I know stainless steel cookware and bakeware is viewed as non-user friendly, but that is so untrue. I use it with no problem and without using excessive amounts of oil too. I make crepes, omelets, and saute with ease.

I have tried ceramic and wasn't impressed, but actually disappointed.

*Just to make one point here - It is important to be consuming healthy oils for optimal health. So, adding organic extra virgin coconut oil to the pans I cook in to prepare foods is an "important ingredient" of the recipe, as well as, lubricating the pan.

In fact, when using any other oil in a stainless steel pan, I do not get such great results of having a "clean" pan when I'm done scrambling eggs, like I do with coconut oil - and I wouldn't want my eggs without that great flavor.*

2. Use parchment paper or wax paper. Instead of foil packets, use

parchment packets (unbleached). Use a stainless steel sheet

pan for a lid over casseroles in the oven.

Use a large enameled roasting pan with a lid for turkey

Use stainless steel sheet pans for underneath pies, casseroles,

etc. if you think there will be overflow juices.

3. Use cast iron for camping

4. Just coat potatoes for baking with grapeseed or coconut oil

(organic expeller pressed)

5. Filter tap water

6. Use aluminum-free products when you cook and bake, like

*Rumford's baking powder*

Stop eating processed cheese products and "quickie" mixes

7. Make your own broths and soups in a crock pot and freeze

in portions that will be convenient for you.

8. Use aluminum-free personal care products

*Schmidt's is a good healthy deodorant brand*

You can also make your own deodorant:

1/4 cup shea butter or cocoa butter (or combined)

Jojoba oil - optional - 2 tbsp.

1/2 cup arrowroot or organic cornstarch

1/2 cup baking soda

organic expeller pressed coconut oil

20 - 30 drops of one of these essential oil combinations or your own choice:

lavender & sage

lavender & sandalwood

ginger & rosemary

citrus -lime & lemon

geranium & clary sage

frankincense & myrrh

tea tree

In a small pan, melt the shea butter(or butters), mix in jojoba oil (if you choose), and add the arrow root (cornstarch), and baking soda.

Then add as much coconut oil to make a thick slurry. Turn off heat and whisk in the essential oils of choice. Pour into a container and let set up.

You could also add a witch hazel/water solution into a spray bottle and add some essential oils to use as a spray deodorant.

​ 9. Educate yourself about vaccines, prescription and over the

counter drugs. Review as much information as you can.

*Your immune system needs to be strong and if so, then it can

fight like it is designed, without adding poisonous concoctions

that are claimed to help you.*

10. Take a serious look at your diet and remove the prepackaged

foods and "quick mixes" with all the additives, preservatives,

chemical flavorings, artificial colorings, harmful sugars, etc.

Incorporate healthy meals.

Drink more water - add fresh lemons.

All this will greatly improve your health and immune system

and put you on a better path where you shouldn't need those

go-to "relief" pills.

Note: Headaches, constipation, diarrhea, digestion problems, etc. are all signs the body is having difficulty with the present lifestyle. Your immune system is being attacked. When it can no longer rally, then disease will set in.

I hope this was beneficial to you. My goal is to help provide the information that you need to make wise lifestyle choices.


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