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Grilled Marinated Lamb Kabobs

Savory grilled lamb kabobs accompanied with sides of garlicky onions and fresh horseradish sauce.

This will strengthen your immune system as it tantalizes

your taste buds!

Recipe Prep 1 hr. 30 min. Serves 7-8

3 lbs. lamb bites - from New Zealand


1 cup organic red wine vinegar

1/2 cup organic balsamic vinegar

1/4 cup organic yellow or brown mustard

1/4 cup grapeseed or avocado oil - expeller pressed

3 tbsp. organic soy sauce

2 cloves organic garlic - minced

2-3 tsp. horseradish sauce (recipe below)

2 tbsp. organic dried oregano

2 tsp. organic lemon pepper

2 tsp. organic ground coriander

1 tsp. organic ground turmeric

2 tsp. Himalayan salt


2 organic medium onions - cut into 1 inch cubes

2 organic garlic cloves- minced

2 tbsp. organic butter

2 tbsp. organic extra virgin coconut oil

Horseradish sauce:

2 cups organic horseradish root - peeled

4 medium organic garlic cloves

1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil or grape seed oil,

or avocado oil (expeller pressed)

1/2 cup maple syrup - Grade A (dark)

1 1/2 cups organic unfiltered raw apple cider vinegar


Begin with making the horseradish sauce.

Place several 2 inch cut pieces of the horseradish root in a blender.

Add garlic and a portion of the apple cider vinegar and blend.

As you are blending, add more horseradish and then the oil

and maple syrup and only as much of the vinegar needed to keep

it blending.

Note: The amount of vinegar needed will be according to the size

of the horseradish. So you might need a little more or less to give

you the right consistency. And you might need to adjust the maple

syrup and oil as well.

Prepare your sinuses as you taste your way through!

The final consistency will be somewhat like applesauce.

The flavor is sharp with a little sweet - but not sour.

It will draw you into it.....

This will keep for several months in refrigerator.

Tip: I usually make a double batch and then put half into large

mouth mason jars and freeze.


Mix marinade ingredients together. Place the lamb bites into a

glass dish and pour the marinade over them. Move the bites around

to make sure the marinade completely covers all sides of them. Place

a lid on and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

After 1 hour, put lamb bites onto kabob sticks, making sure to fit

like sizes together, so all will be cooked uniformly.

Pour the marinade into a small pot and bring to a boil and then turn

off heat. Add 2 rounded tablespoons of organic coconut sugar, whisk well.

Tip: Once a marinade has come into contact with raw meat, it is no

longer safe to consume, so bringing it to a boil will kill any foodborne


Marinades by themselves, don't always taste good, because the objective

is combining acids with oil and then whatever herbs one chooses, but no

sweeteners are used.

So,to serve as a final sauce, as you can see with this recipe, just adding

the coconut sugar at the end, transforms this into a savory serving sauce.


Preheat grill and place the thicker sized kabobs on the hotter areas

of the grill.

Place onions ingredients into a skillet, cover, and cook over medium

heat for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Turn the kabobs with tongs, every 3-4 minutes to make sure all four sides

are grilled evenly.

Total time will depend on the size of the lamb bites. Mine took 15 minutes total, shooting for a medium doneness.

When done, then brush with the cooked marinade. Serve with the

sides of onions and horseradish. Enjoy!

Horseradish benefits: powerful cancer-fighting enzymes

(glucosinolates - more than 10 times the amount of broccoli


It helps in detoxification, respiratory disorders, aids weight loss,

lower blood pressure, and improves immune system health.

Great for colds and flu, as it rids the body of mucus.

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