Chocolate Ganache Zucchini Cake
So rich and delicious! A mystery of undetectable sneaky nutrition wrapped in decadence.

Recipe Prep 50 min. Serves 16
Cake batter:
2 pastured or organic eggs
4 tsp. organic vanilla extract
1 1/2 tsp. Himalayan salt
1 tbsp. Ceylon cinnamon
3/4 cup organic cacao powder
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup organic sour cream
1/2 cup organic buttermilk
1/2 cup organic extra virgin coconut oil - melted
1/2 organic butter - softened
1/2 cup raw honey
2 cup organic coconut sugar
2 1/2 cups organic zucchini - grated
2 cups organic whole wheat flour - chemical free
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder - aluminum free (Rumford)
1 cup organic butter 2 1/4 cup organic coconut sugar
1/4 cup organic cacao powder 3 tbsp. organic extra virgin coconut oil 2 tsp. organic vanilla extract
1/4 cup organic heavy cream
1/2 tsp. Himalayan salt
First make ganache:
In a small pan, add the butter to melt on low heat, add coconut sugar and cacao. Stir with whisk as it melts. When blended together, then add the heavy cream and keep whisking. It will pull together and get tighter and thicker and will get a glossy sheen and will also, pull away from the sides of the pan. Then turn the heat off, wait a few minutes, then whisk in the vanilla. Let cool completely. As it does, it will thicken.
2 stainless steel 11 x 7 pans - buttered and lightly coated with cacao powder
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Cake batter:
In mixing bowl, whip eggs for about a minute. Then add in the next
7 ingredients and mix well. Then add in the butter, honey, and coconut
sugar and mix well. Add in the zucchini and mix through.
Then add in the last ingredients. Thoroughly incorporate.
Pour into prepared pans and bake for 25-30 minutes, until toothpick
comes out clean. Let cool completely.
Spread Ganache onto cake, cut, and serve. Enjoy!
Tips - Substitutions/Options: These are for like for like, such
as dairy for dairy, or ratios of leavenings, oils etc.
The only change is for the ingredients mentioned below, otherwise,
the recipe stays the same for the ingredients above.
It's always nice to have some versatility in a recipe.
Dairy - You can eliminate the buttermilk and only use
1 cup sour cream. I would probably add a little more
water if you do this.
Yogurt can be substituted for sour cream - again add a little
more water.
Only 1 cup buttermilk - no sour cream or yogurt - add a little
more coconut oil or butter to insure a moist cake.
Denser/richer texture - 1 cup sour cream
1/4 more coconut oil or butter
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder