Swaddled Black Currant Cheese Danish
This is a favorite breakfast in our family!
Great to prepare a day a head for the Sabbath.

Recipe: Prep: 1 hour serves 8
Crust: 3 cups organic whole wheat flour (chemical free)
1/2 cup organic butter
1/3 cup organic extra virgin coconut oil
3/4 tsp. Himalayan salt
2 tbsp. organic apple cider vinegar
1 1/4 cups ice water
Filling: 2 packages of organic cream cheese ( 8 oz. each)
1/3 cup raw honey
1 organic or pastured egg
large dash of organic vanilla
5 oz. organic black currant fruit spread
Egg wash: 1 organic or pastured egg
1 tbsp. organic cream
Prepare large stainless sheet pan - 17 3/4 x 12 3/4 - with parchment paper.
In a food processor add flour, salt, butter, and coconut oil. Blend well.
Then add 1 cup water and the apple cider vinegar. Blend well.
If the dough is not pulling together well into a ball that pulls away from
the container, then add the rest of the water. This is to be a moist dough,
but not sticky, so if need be then add more water.
Note: There are different types of wheat flours and so there will be some variation in the textures also. Some will require more moisture than others.
On a floured work surface, roll dough out into a rectangle about 16 x 13 inches. Then slide the parchment paper underneath.
In food processor, blend the cream cheese a short spurt by itself to loosen
it up. Spat down the sides, then add the honey and vanilla and blend
well. Add egg and blend.
Pour our onto the middle of the dough into a rectangle.
In a small bowl, using a spoon, stir currant fruit spread to loosen the texture. Spoon in a line, down the center of the cream cheese, and then take the spoon and swirl the currant fruit spread through the cream cheese.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Then using a paring knife, cut 1 inch strips in angles about an 1/2 inch away from the filling.
Then fold one side of the strips into the center.
Mix the egg wash in a small bowl, then using a pastry brush dab some onto the ends of the strips and then fold the other side on top of these with a slight overlap.
When you get to the ends of the danish, then just cut the dough in a crescent shape around the filling.
Note: I don't like to have too much excess dough involved, so I do not "braid"
or intertwine the strips. I just have them meet with a slight overlap.

Carefully, lift the parchment at one end and pull it onto sheet pan. Get a
helping hand on the other end to help lift, if needed.
Finish egg washing all the pastry.
Bake for about 25 - 30 minutes. Allow to cool. Enjoy!