Berry Ganache Cream Pie
A sumptuous cream pie with seasonal berries and touched here and there with a rich ganache. YUM!!

Recipe Prep: 30-15 min Serves 6
1 cup organic whole wheat flour - chemical free
2 tbsp organic coconut sugar
1/2 stick organic butter - cold
1/4 cup organic half & half
1/4 tsp Himalayan salt
1/4 tsp baking powder - aluminum free (Rumford)
1 pack (8 oz) organic cream cheese
2 tsp organic vanilla extract
1/2 cup raw honey
16 oz organic heavy cream
1 cup organic coconut sugar
Raspberries or strawberries - organic
Ganache: 1 cup organic butter 2 1/4 cup organic coconut sugar
1/4 cup organic cacao powder 3 tbsp. organic extra virgin coconut oil 2 tsp. organic vanilla extract
1/4 cup organic heavy cream
1/2 tsp. Himalayan salt
First make ganache:
In a small pan, add the butter to melt on low heat, add coconut sugar and cacao. Stir with whisk as it melts. When blended together, then add the heavy cream and keep whisking. It will pull together and get tighter and thicker and will get a glossy sheen and will also, pull away from the sides of the pan. Then turn the heat off, wait a few minutes, then whisk in the vanilla. Let cool completely. As it does, it will thicken.
Place a medium steel mixing bowl with mixer's whisks into freezer.
Note: This insures the whip cream will set well.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In food processor combine flour, coconut sugar, salt, baking powder,
butter, and half & half. Mix only until dough is crumbly.
Pat into pie pan, fork it and prebake for 12 mins. Let cool.

In food processor add cream cheese, honey, and vanilla extract and mix well. Place in fridge.
Pour the heavy cream into the bowl that was in the freezer and whisk on high
until it is just about set. Then add the coconut sugar and continue until
completely set.
Using a rubber spatula, add the cream cheese mixture into bowl of whipped
cream and gently fold together. Place in fridge.
Take the cooled ganache and coat pie crust with a spoon, but leave just
enough to add a drizzle on the berries.
Then add the filling on top of the coated crust. Place berries on top and drizzling remaining ganache with a spoon or whisk.
Place pie in fridge to set up for about 3-4 hours. Enjoy!
Tip: If you need to put the pie together quicker, than you can put the
still warm ganache into the pie crust and then place in freezer until it
sets. You can also put the rest of the ganache into a dish and place in
the freezer for just a couple of minutes, until it cools enough and yet is
still loose enough to drizzle onto the top of the berries.