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Sticky Cherry Reels

These I put together one day when I was trying to come up with something for breakfast. They are gooey and delicious!


Filling: 1/2 cup soft organic butter 1 cup organic coconut sugar

24 oz. frozen organic cherries 2 tsp. organic almond extract

3/4 cup organic flour Allspice

First put cherries in a bowl and mix almond extract with them. Let sit.

Butter a 10 inch round casserole dish

Dough: 3 cups of organic flour 1/3 cup organic extra virgin coconut oil

(chemical free) 1 1/2 cups ice water

3 tbsp. organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar

1 tsp. Himalayan salt or sea salt

Prepare dough by adding flour, salt, and coconut oil into food processor. Mix and then add the apple cider vinegar and ice water.

Blend until it mixes well and slightly pulls together into a ball.

It should feel slightly moist.

Pour out onto floured surface. Knead for a minute to bring to a nice

smooth ball and then roll out into a rectangle.

Tip: The texture will depend on what kind of wheat flour you

are using. There are quite a variety of them.

I use 100% whole spring wheat - whole grain milled.

You might have to add a little more oil and water.

When you mix the oil with the flour, you should be able to

pinch it together, if not, then add a little more oil.

If after mixing it all, it is not moist enough to come together,

then add a little more water.

This dough will be soft and chewy.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Spread butter over dough and then lightly sprinkle allspice on top.

Sprinkle coconut sugar and flour on top. Then spread cherries

around on top.

Start at opposite end from you and roll dough towards you in large loops. When it is a large log, then cut into 2 inch slices. Place into buttered pan.

Then pour the remaining juice from cherries on top of the rolls and lightly

sprinkle with some more coconut sugar.

Bake for 30 minutes. Allow to sit for about 20 minutes before eating, so the

butter and juices soak into the reels. Enjoy!

Tip: In this picture you can see a dough scraper on the left side. This tool is

a very handy tool to have. I use it to cut the reels and when I am done, it

makes cleanup so easy, by just scraping the dough mess off the counter, into

one small pile to throw away.

It's also handy to scrape off the rolling pin, if it gets sticky or even my hands

if needed.

The Cuisinart food processor is a very valuable appliance. I would not want

to be without it.

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