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Blueberry Coconut Custard Pie

I always lean to go up a level from the tradition of food and add a little pazazz and nutrition where I can. This pie first engages our eyes and then our taste buds! Yum!

Recipe: Prep: 30 min. Serves 6

Pie crust: 1 cup organic whole wheat flour (chemical free)

3 tbsp. organic butter

3 extra virgin coconut oil (I used melted)

1 tbsp. organic apple cider vinegar

1 tsp. Himalayan salt

1/4 cup ice water

Filling: 3 cups organic frozen blueberries

1 cup organic coconut milk

2 organic or pastured eggs

1/2 cup organic coconut sugar

2 tsp. nutmeg - freshly grated/ground

1 - 9 inch glass pie pan

Put the flour, salt, butter, and coconut oil into food processor and

blend well. Pour in some (but not all) of the ice water and the apple

cider vinegar and blend well.

Note: There are different types of wheat flours and so there will be some variation in the textures also. Some will require more moisture than others.

You may even need more water than the recipe calls for.

If you need more water, than add a tbsp. or two at a time, until the

dough forms into a moist, but not sticky ball, pulling away from the

sides of the container.

Apple cider vinegar assists in a better texture.

**Coconut oil creates a different, smoother texture in doughs. I find it

easier to work with than traditional dough recipes and I love the fact

that it can be handled without fear of a tough end result. So, instead

of the light approach that is usually called for, I can take a much easier

approach and use the food processor to mix everything - with less mess

and effort - and get a great end result, that taste better and is much


There is also the mystery behind coconut oil (unrefined) in it's flavor. Sometimes you will taste it, like in scrambled eggs, but most of the time,

it just adds to all the other flavors, but you will not taste "coconut."

So, I add it to many recipes, even though the oil is not needed, as I want

the nutritional health benefits. Consider it as a daily supplement.**

Preheat oven to 375.

Place dough onto a floured work surface. Roll dough into a round

shape to fit the pie form. Place dough into pan and then leave an

excess of 1 inch hanging over the sides (cut off any beyond this).

Roll the excess up to the lip of the pan. Then use your hands to push

the dough lip into a more uniform "ring" as you turn the pie pan several

turns around.

Then using your fingers, push the dough into "V's" all the way around.

Then using a fork, lightly push the tines down on the outer edge of the "V."

Add the blueberries. In a bowl, add the eggs, coconut milk, nutmeg, and coconut sugar and whisk well. Pour over the blueberries.

Bake for about 40-50 minutes. Let it cool down and then serve. Enjoy!

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