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Blackberry Lemon Coconut Tarts

Scrumptious! Mostly dairy-free, although I wouldn't want to leave out the buttery tart shell, filled with delicious lemony coconut pastry cream and topped with fresh blackberries.

Recipe Serves 6

Tart shell:

1 cup organic whole wheat flour - chemical free

1/4 cup organic cold butter

1/4 cup organic coconut sugar

1/4 tsp. Himalayan salt

6-8 tbsp. organic coconut milk

Pastry cream:

2 cups organic coconut cream - Tip: Take off the top of two cans of coconut milk. It's easier if you place them upside down in the freezer for about

30 minutes prior to using it.

4 tbsp. organic cornstarch

1/2 cup raw honey

4 pastured or organic egg yolks

3 tbsp. organic lemon juice

Zest from 1 organic lemon

Fresh organic blackberries

6 stainless steel tart forms - 3 inch width x 1 inch depth

Prepare pastry cream first. Place all the ingredients, except the

egg yolks in a heavy - bottomed medium pan and whisk together well.

Place the eggs into a small stainless steel bowl.

Place the pan over medium heat, whisking often, until the mixture has

some steam rolling off and has thickened slightly.

Remove from the pan from the heat.

Gradually temper several ladles of the cream sauce into the eggs,

whisking briskly.

Tip: This will bring the yolks' temperature up to the same temperature

of the sauce and keep them from curdling.

Add the yolk mixture back into the pan with the rest of the cream mixture

and put the pan back onto the heat. Continue to whisk constantly as this

is cooked through for about 2 - 3 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat.

From here I poured the pastry cream into a glass casserole dish, with the

cream at a depth of 1 - 2 inches. I covered this with saran wrap and placed

it into the freezer until it cooled.

Tip: Spreading the cream at such a shallow depth enabled it to cool quickly

this way and so when the tarts were cool enough, I was able to assemble

everything together in a short period of time.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Place the flour, salt, coconut sugar, and butter into a food processor.

Blend well. Then add in the coconut milk and blend.

Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and work the dough slightly to

bring together. Roll out to a thickness of about 3/16".

Using a 3 inch diameter round cutter, proceed to cut the rounds.

Carefully place into the tart shells and press slightly to the forms.

Use a fork to pierce a few times in the bottoms to keep the dough

from bubbling when baking.

Place shells onto a sheet pan and bake for about 10 minutes.

I then placed these into the freezer to cool down quickly.

Remove shells from the forms. Assemble and serve. Enjoy!

Even though these pics show the tarts still in the forms, they did slide out

very easily.

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